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Some of Signe's printed articles in magazines and newspapers layed out in a collage-fashion


Carefully weighing words and ingredients.

I am available for writing, proofing, editing, food styling, recipe developing, as well as culinary PR, branded content, and copy writing. I can also conduct a cooking class or speak at your garden club! I am always in the market for new opportunities and challenges.


The Globe and Mail - Square Logo
Food & Drink - Square Logo
National Post - Square Logo
CBC - Red Logo
Toronto Star - Square Logo
Today's Parent - Square Logo
Spoonful - Square Logo
Reader's Digest - Square Logo
Hobby Farms - Square Logo
Paste Magazine - Logo
Watershed Magazine.jpg
Toronto Life - Square Logo
Air Canada En Route - Square Logo
Edible Toronto - Square Logo
ON Home Builder's Association-logo.png
The Gardener logo.png
cantake logo.png

My book: Happy Hens & Fresh Eggs

​Happy Hens & Fresh Eggs was shortlisted for a Taste Canada Food Writing Award, was an INDIEFAB finalist, and it won top honours at Gourmand International Awards.

Signe Langford's book cover: Happy Hens & Fresh Eggs
Taste Canada Awards 2016 Shortlist: all five covers

You'll laugh (at me, I hope), you'll cry (chopping onions)... you might even learn a thing or three!


Folks, I don't proclaim to be the top banana in backyard hens - believe me, I'm learning on the job! - but I figured, there's no reason you shouldn't come along with me on the journey. Right? So, I've shared some stories, tips, mistakes and lessons hard-learned. Oh, and recipes. Delicious, easy-to-make recipes.


I didn't hire a top gun food stylist (as many cookbook writers do); I just made the food and the talented Donna Griffith shot it. So if I can make it look good enough to eat, so can YOU!

Food Bloggers of Canada Member Logo
Taste Canada Awards Shortlist Finalist badge
Gourmand logo
2017 Canada Blog Challenge Winner badge

See my published work and my resume

Click the buttons below to see lists of my published work with live links

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