Carefully weighing words and ingredients.
I am available for writing, proofing, editing, food styling, recipe developing, as well as culinary PR, branded content, and copy writing. I can also conduct a cooking class or speak at your garden club! I am always in the market for new opportunities and challenges.

My book: Happy Hens & Fresh Eggs
​Happy Hens & Fresh Eggs was shortlisted for a Taste Canada Food Writing Award, was an INDIEFAB finalist, and it won top honours at Gourmand International Awards.

You'll laugh (at me, I hope), you'll cry (chopping onions)... you might even learn a thing or three!
Folks, I don't proclaim to be the top banana in backyard hens - believe me, I'm learning on the job! - but I figured, there's no reason you shouldn't come along with me on the journey. Right? So, I've shared some stories, tips, mistakes and lessons hard-learned. Oh, and recipes. Delicious, easy-to-make recipes.
I didn't hire a top gun food stylist (as many cookbook writers do); I just made the food and the talented Donna Griffith shot it. So if I can make it look good enough to eat, so can YOU!